Modern Love and Money

If you're a fan of Modern Love on Netflix, based on the The New York Times feature, you're familiar with its heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching tales of love, relationships, betrayals, and revelations. Modern Love is a weekly column, a book, a podcast, and a television show, all inspired by real stories written by real people about real #love. In a recent series of essays, Modern Love delved into a topic that likely caused a bit of a cringe – the intersection of relationships and money.

Although it’s often considered a taboo topic, money plays a pivotal role in our lives. It’s refreshing and boundary-breaking that Modern Love decided to shine a light on the emotion of money and its incredible impact on human relationships. The essays are rich in relatable narrative and offer profound insights into the complexities of interpersonal financial circumstances within the context of love and emotions.

Here's a glimpse into the themes explored.

Divorce leading to a new vow: financial independence

  • The end of a marriage can be a catalyst for a renewed commitment to financial autonomy. The essay explores the journey of empowerment through financial independence after the dissolution of a marriage.

Love and the cost and guilt of long-term care for a partner living with a degenerative disability

  • Money becomes a central theme in navigating the challenges of providing long-term care for a beloved partner with a degenerative disability. The essay begins with a seemingly innocent bit of advice from a doctor - “stay married.” The author doesn’t, and falls in love with a physically active partner, a dancer. Her guilt is buoyed by willing sacrifices made out of love.

Negative self-worth stemming from relationships where one partner has significant debt

  • This essay examines the impact of financial disparities within relationships, shedding light on the emotional toll it can take on individuals who perceive their self-worth through the lens of their debt, reliance on their partner for survival, and financial trauma from their past.

Money questions to ask before moving in together

  • Practical advice emerges from this story emphasizing the importance of addressing money matters before taking the significant step of moving in together. It serves as a guide for couples to navigate potential financial pitfalls and misunderstandings.

The importance of spending money on romance - through gifts and experiences

  • Contrary to conventional financial wisdom, spending money on romantic gestures may be crucial to relationships. The emotional value of gifts and the memories from shared experiences are worthy investments in meaningful connections between partners and families.

Family devastation and tragedy of disinheritance, and complexity for siblings thereafter

  • In a poignant exploration, the essay delves into the profound impact of family financial decisions, such as parental disinheritance, and the intricate dynamics it introduces among siblings.

These narratives prompt us to consider our own relationship with money. They offer an open invitation to introspect on the emotions money triggers and the stories our financial accounts could tell about our lives. Modern Love, through these essays, aids in destigmatizing the emotional aspects of our financial experiences, reassuring us that when it comes to money, we're not alone in our complexities, shame, or familial struggles.

As in all wellness journeys, healing begins with self discovery. Financial wellness involves understanding your emotions about money, and embracing acceptance and recognition before taking action to achieve your future life goals. This process builds your confidence in, and ultimately control over your relationship with money.

Knowing yourself is the first step. Start right here, right now. Before we close out 2023 and before you set your resolutions for 2024, commit to a healthier emotional relationship with money. We’re right here with you. Find us when you're ready. Knomee will help you take the steps to align your behaviors with your values, and change your mindset about money so that it becomes a tool for expressing your identity confidently.


Five Ways to Build a Healthier Emotional Relationship with Money in 2024


Financial Identity at Money 20/20 2023